Wednesday, 18 July 2012

It's Unleashed!

Well, our debut EP "Outbursts!" is now out there in the big, wide world and available via the usual outlets (iTunes, Amazon, etc.). CDs are available from the Static Distortion Records webstore, or from us directly - contact us via our Facebook page for more details. If you haven't got the EP yet - go and get it today and grab yourself a slab of electro-industrial fun.

We're really pleased with how the EP has turned out, both in the packaging of the physical (and virtual) product, and particularly in the production, mixing and mastering of the EP. Huge thanks to Mr. Nik Hodges for all of his help and guidance. I think it's fair to say without his encouragement for us to get back in the saddle properly, this E.P. may have not come to fruition.

Also, massive thanks to Steve Fearon at SDR for stumbling across our "rough" version of Outburst on Reverbnation and signing us to SDR on the strength of it and a conversation at Electrowerkz back in May. Steve has kicked ass for us on numerous occasions already, and I hope that we can repay the faith he has shown by signing us.

Finally on the thankyous: a massive thanks to all our new friends and fans (i.e. you guys) for supporting us. We hope to be gigging on a relatively regular basis, so hope to meet some of you in the flesh in the future.

For those who can make it to see us, we're playing at The Square in Harlow on Thursday 16th August, which will be our first gig in a very long time - it would be great to see you.

Until next time,
